名稱: |
臺灣大專生性知識、性態度、性行為現況與1 9 7 9 ~ 2 0 1 9 年2 0 歲學生性經驗之研究 |
素材類別: |
期刊 |
作者: |
晏涵文* 馮嘉玉** |
出版者/出處: |
健康促進與衛生教育學報 |
出版日期: |
2020/12 |
適用對象: |
性教育六大範疇: |
卷期、頁次: |
52:61-86 |
關鍵字: |
大專生、性知識、性經驗、性態度 |
中文摘要: |
目的:調查臺灣大專生性知識、性態度與性行為現況,整理1979~2019 年20歲學生性行為發生率的變化情形。方法:以分層叢集抽樣方法,選取臺 灣北、中、南、東地區大專一至四年級與五專五年級學生樣本,共計2,525 人,進行橫斷式問卷調查。結果:大專生在懷孕避孕、愛滋病與其他性病防 治知識的答對率不到六成,女生表現較男生佳。男、女生對保險套使用都抱 持正向態度,男生對婚前親密行為的接受度高於女生。28.1%的受試者曾與 異性發生性交行為(男生32.1%、女生24.9%),曾與同性發生性交行為者占 10.7%(男生15.0%、女生7.1%),但其中每次性行為均使用保險套者僅有 31.9%。曾有性交經驗的受試者中,有18.0%在初次性交後感到後悔(男生 12.3%、女生24.6%),最主要的後悔理由是覺得發生時機不對及擔心性行為後果,但男、女生最主要的後悔原因不盡相同。自1979~2019年,男、女 生與異性的各項親密行為發生率都呈現持續上升的趨勢,但女生在各項親密 行為的增加幅度都高於男生。結論:大專生性行為比例升高,不僅女生與異 性親密行為的比例增加,男生擁有同性性行為經驗的人數比例也不低,但性 知識普遍不足,且自我保護措施不夠完善,均可能導致其初次性交後感到後 悔。儘管大專生年齡已足以擁有合法性行為同意權,但可能並不具備相應能 力與準備對性行為做出明智決定,故學校有責任繼續提供充足、正確的性教 育資源與資訊,協助年輕人學習檢視並提升自己的性準備能力。 |
英文摘要: |
Purpose: To survey the current sexual knowledge, sexual attitude, and sexual behavior of college students in Taiwan and to review the intimate behavior of young people of college age in Taiwan since 1979. Method: University students from freshmen to seniors and fifth year junior college students were selected from stratified cluster sampling from north, central, south, and east areas of Taiwan as subjects, 2,525 in total. They were surveyed by a cross-sectional designed structured questionnaire. Results: They scored less than 60% on related knowledge of pregnancy/contraception, prevention of AIDS and other STDs. Females scored higher than males. Regarding sex attitude, both males and females hold positive attitude towards using condoms, but males had higher acceptance of premarital intimate behavior than females. 28.1% of the subjects had sexual intercourse with the opposite sex (male 32.1%, female 24.9%), and 10.7% with the same sex (male 15.0%, female 7.1%). Only 31.9% of them used the condom during each intercourse. Among those who had intercourse experience, 18.0% of them (male 12.3%, female 24.6%) felt regret after first intercourse. The main reasons are not good timing to have sex, and worrying about the consequence of sexual behavior. However, there are differences in regretful reasons between males and females. All kinds of intimate behavior rates of both boy and girl students have been increasing steadily since 1979, but those of females is higher than males. Conclusion: The rate of college students’ sexual behavior is raising every year, not only the increasing rate of girl students’ intimate behavior with opposite sex, but also the high rate of sexual behavior between male homosexuals. Lacking of sex knowledge, not equipped with self-protection ability, etc. lead to regret after first intercourse. In spite of college students’ right of sexual consent at their age, they might not possess reacting ability and preparation to make the wise decision on sexual behavior. Accordingly, schools have the responsibility to provide sufficient and accurate sexuality education resources and information in order to help the college student learn to examine their ability of sex preparation. |
編號: |
J82 |
上傳日期: |
2022/10/07 |
連結: |
http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/115742 |
教學推薦: |
內容簡介: |